If you operate under that sense that money is scarce and you need to spend it when it’s available, you’re going to have difficulty ever saving a lot for the future. (1).png

The quote above comes from the 4 day Money Mindset Challenge. Have you joined the challenge?

Want some ABUNDANCE? Here are 5 places to look for unclaimed money.

  • Go to unclaimed.org

    • Yes, that's a legit free site run by the nonprofit National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, which is an affiliate of the National Association of State Treasurers. The databases you'll be searching are located and maintained by each state.

  • You can also search missingmoney.com,

    • I just found $84 from 2013. And I usually check a couple times of year. You never know when money will show up.

  • Check out the U.S. Labor Department's "Workers Owed Wages" database at http://webapps.dol.gov/wow/

  • Search the National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits www.unclaimedretirementbenefits.com

  • Failed Pension Funds. Go to: https://www.pbgc.gov/wr/trusteed/plans

    • Search your parents and grandparents, there may be money available to heirs.