Stop Looking for a Sign

debt strategy money coaching

I love podcasts, #addicted, and a few weeks ago I was listening to one and, of course, whatever the person was talking about all I heard was a budget analogy. She said something and then said, “stop looking for signs”.

Dang…But I have to agree with her and here’s why.

When it comes to your money, your budget, your debt…girl, the signs are there. You just aren’t seeing them.

You aren’t seeing them because you are surviving or hiding. You think if you work hard enough, stop spending, say No for the next 7 years things will get better. Or you think if you ignore your statements, don’t look at the balances, that eventually “it will work out”.

11 Signs to Look For:

  1. You have overdrafts

  2. You are paying only the minimum on cards

  3. Your cards are maxed or close to it

  4. You cross your fingers when you check your bank balance

  5. You’re distracted at work

  6. You can’t sleep from worry

  7. You’re using credit cards to pay for basics

  8. You’re shopping to avoid thinking about money

  9. Your credit score has dropped significantly

  10. You make good money and can’t figure out why you are so deep in debt

  11. Fighting with your significant other about money, or anything else because of money

  12. (add your own signs)

I get it. You are trying to make this work by sheer brute force. It doesn’t have to be that way.

You work too hard not to have the money, and time, to do the things that make working worth it.

If you make a good income and are still struggling with debt and managing you’re money. That’s your sign.

Let’s jump on a call and figure out how we can work together to change this. Don’t make another resolution in 2021 to get control of your money. Start Now.

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