Women's Money Coach

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When a $10-a-month-gym, isn't a $10 a month payment

I was having a talk with my good friend and Trail Blazer mastermind buddy, Stephanie Lincoln about stuff. I say stuff because we talked about vacations, keto, mindset, travel, her current RV travels and more, but we got to talking about her streaming workout videos.

I recently did one and was telling her how my hamstrings were sore and couldn’t figure out why since it was an abs workout. She explained with her science-y stuff and it made so much sense; the sore hamstrings were a result of weak hip flexors.

Kinda like a low credit score is a result of a weak budget.

Then we moved on to talking about the prices of her amazing workout videos and I was giving my unsolicited advice about how she should charge more. I gave the example of a local gym that charges $10 a month and you get basic equipment and that’s when it hit me.

That gym you pay $10 for, doesn’t cost $10.

That gym costs what you trade your time for to drive there. It costs the price of gas you put into your car to get there. It costs waking up early to hit a class around your work schedule. It costs not working out at night because you don’t have the energy to drive there. It costs the price we pay with our health when they have pizza nights; I mean who does that! Don’t forget the $50+ annual fee you also pay.

I believe in spending money on our priorities and I believe paying more for value.

Learn more about your money mindset here with my Etsy Money Mindset worksheet.

If you are paying for a gym membership, or 2, and are NOT using it, cancel it and reclaim those dollars. Then, give every dollar a new job.