What Is Financial Independence?
There is so much talk about Financial Independence and with Independence day just passed I think it is important to take a moment and explore what that means.
It is so easy to throw out the words "financial independence" and "financial freedom", but WHAT does that look like?
For you maybe it means: Freedom to choose where I live. Freedom to start my dream business. Freedom to stay at home with my kids. Freedom to buy organic groceries. Freedom to travel with my family without worrying about how we'll pay for it. Freedom to follow my passions.
As you start to read this post, you may start to feel like financial freedom for you is not attainable or that it is too hard. I want you to start shifting the way you think and be open to what you could create.
Are you ready to control and manage your money so you can stop running after money and spend time running your life? I take you from a vague dream to blissful reality. The dream of a stable, and luxe, lifestyle. The dream of worry-free money decisions. The dream to dream again, plan, imagine what life could be like. That dream you haven’t spoken out loud, not even to your BFF. That dream is the one I help you realize.
In order to be financially independent and live a luxurious lifestyle, you first have to be financially stable. That means paying your bills on time, not living on credit cards, knowing where your money is going, getting out of debt and saving for the future.
Are you beginning to see how it starts with small steps? We are not going to change everything overnight. But by making small changes made consistently, YOU can be financially independent.
So how do you kill that eternal debt, free up space in your life and finally break the indecision gridlock, so you can keep more money in your pocket, have better relationships and lead an overall kickass life?
It starts with knowing where you stand financially and where you want to be. You need to know your numbers and my e-book can help get you on the right T.R.A.I.L. Download it free on Amazon through July 7th. It explains the 5 strategies you need to know in order to put more money in your pocket without over-complicating it.