5 Simple Strategies to Keep More Money in Your Pocket

money strategies

I'm going to give you a sneak peak into my new book: How To Live A Luxurious Lifestyle Without Going Into Debt. In my book we go into detail on how to build a luxurious lifestyle without going into debt and we delve into T.R.A.I.L, the Trail Blazers Proven Process to A Luxe Lifestyle. These are the 5 strategies to keep more money in your pocket and live your dream life without over-complicating it.

You can download my book for free here, or purchase it on Amazon.

By following my 5 step strategy you will learn what you can live without, learn what is priority, and most importantly, take care of yourself and maintain the lifestyle you want.

T - Tackle Your Numbers. Only by knowing your numbers can you know where you currently are. Then, make small changes where you can

R - Realize Your Lifestyle. Decide what is important to you. Realizing your lifestyle means re-accessing what it is and what you want it to be.

A- Acknowledge Your Why. Commitment to wealth is the realization that you’ll attain financial freedom no matter what. Period. You gain this clarity of commitment when you understand WHY you are making new choices and new changes.

I - Implement the Plan. Once you have your numbers, know your priorities and have your Why. You have to take the next step and implement. Nothing changes if nothing changes. 

L - Leverage Your Progress. On your money journey to financial freedom you will start to see more money in the bank. Don't let those dollars disappear. You have to be a Money Boss and assign each of those extra dollars a job. Where do they need to go and what do they need to be doing?

 Yes, a luxe lifestyle starts with a budget!

It takes most people about 3-6 months to be on a steady path of healthy financial behaviors and to be strongly planted in their Manolo Blahnik pumps, secure in their financial picture. So if it feels like the process is slow, hang in there. It is worth it!

Being a Money Boss is an inside job and can be cultivated in anyone with curiosity, determination, discipline and an open mind.