A Conversation with Our March Trail Blazer

MARCH Trail Blazers - Kristy Harvell.jpg

How excited are you about our March Trail Blazers' Event? 

Every last Tuesday of the month, we will unveil one of Jacksonville's Top Trail Blazers. Learn a little more about Dr. Kristy Harvell, our March Trail Blazer before you hear her speak on March 27th. 

Q. Tell us something that would surprise us most to learn about you.

A. Something that might surprise everyone is that I wasn’t always healthy; I used to eat bad food, relied on caffeine, was stressed out of my mind with anxiety, self-medicated with alcohol and had to take pain meds and hormones to survive.

Q. Why are you passionate about your work?

A. I am passionate because I was that patient who didn’t know what was wrong with me, who got bounced around from doctor to doctor getting test after test with no answers. My hope is that I can help others find their path to health much sooner than I did and to make “alternative” medicine the FIRST choice and not the LAST.

Q. What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned in business you would like to share with other women?

A. My greatest lesson is not to take no for an answer. If you feel passionate about something go after it unapologetically, against all obstacles. This world is full of people who want to tell you no. If it is important enough, there is always a way to get it done!

We sold out in a week. Join the wait list. 

Don't miss out on the next Trail Blazers Event April 24th. Registration opens March 27th 7pm. 

Guest UserApril Caldwell