Women's Money Coach

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How Approval Addiction Affects Your Money

What is approval addiction? Are you so concerned with what other people think that you are spending your money and living your life based on someone else's opinions?

That is approval addiction. 

What are some signs of approval addiction: 

  • You would describe yourself as a people pleaser
  • You are overly responsible for others
  • You fear rejection or conflict
  • You have really high standards for yourself
  • You think when someone disapproves of you there is something wrong with you

How to start overcoming approval addiction:

  • Extend Grace to Yourself
  • Make it a Priority to meet your needs
  • Know what You need. What are your Heck Yes and Heck Nos?

So how does this affect your Money?

Do you use money to try and be perfect? Do you give to others excessively? Is Everyone on your gift list? Do you pay for things because you have not set boundaries? Do you go on trips, dinners and events because you cannot say no? Do you try to buy someone's love, approval or friendship?

How does this show up in your budget, or for those who don't have a budget....insert grimace...how does this show up in your checking account. 

  • 3 dinners a month, you accepted and didn't want to = $75
  • 12 co-workers and 6 neighbors you HAD to get Christmas gifts for = $450
  • 2 tickets to the grunge metal concert (of which you are not a fan) that your 3rd cousin invited you to & couldn't afford his own ticket. = $185
  • That extended family vacation to Gilbert, Arizona = $1750 (One of the top 10 boring cities according to Forbes)

You get the idea and I am sure have countless examples yourself. 

Saying Yes to the things You REALLY want and No to those you don't....Priceless.

We are going to talk more about this at Trail Blazers on February 27th.  Ladies, If this resonated with you, join us!