Do You Have A Debt Problem : 12 Warning Signs
Warning signs you have a debt problem.
We live in an age of abundance. More is better and you can never have too much.
But what about when it comes to your debt? “Good debt” can turn bad if you are not responsible with it. What happens when your debt gets out of control?
Here are some of the warning signs that you may have a problem. These signals will let you know if debt is preventing you from creating a luxurious lifestyle.
You don’t know what you owe
You make only the minimum payments
Your debt-to-income ratio is too high
Your credit cards are maxed out
You can’t pay your bills on time
You are constantly going into overdraft
You don’t have any savings
You lose sleep over your finances
You lie or hide the truth about your finances
Your credit limits are being reduced by the credit card companies
You fight about money with your significant other
You are opening new credit cards to transfer balances
The truth is, if you think you have a debt problem, you most likely do. The first step to getting clean is admitting you have a problem. Then the second step is to stop using; the credit cards.
The good news is, it’s never too late to make a change, pull yourself out of debt and make the best choices for you.
To get started, grab the Be A Money Boss Budget Workbook and get started today.